If you are preparing for home renovations, you might be itching to grab that sledgehammer and start your demolition, but there are a few essentials that you need to do prior to beginning your project. With over 30 years in the home renovations business, we know the ropes when it comes to getting started.
First off, we would recommend researching and hiring a high-quality contractor. Do not be afraid to meet and interview multiple contractors, and even ask for bids on your home renovation project. Getting a professional on board right at the beginning can help make the entire home renovation process much easier.
Next, crunch those numbers. Having a detailed budget that includes money for unexpected expenses is essential. Many homeowners make the mistake of not outlining and sticking to a budget, resulting in home renovations that far exceed what they can afford.
It is important to have a clear vision about what you want from your renovation. If this is a new home or space, spend some time there prior to beginning your project. Actually living in a space might change what you decide to renovate or what you would like to include in your update.
Lastly, define your timeline. Things always take longer than planned, so consider this when you are estimating how long home renovations take. This is especially important if you will need to live somewhere else during the renovation.
If you are looking for some help with your next home renovation, give us a call here at Chad Goodin Signature Homes.